
Downsize Strategy 
Purchase with a RM
Did YOU know that you can buy a home with a reverse mortgage? Don't worry, this is a question that RARELY gets answered in the affirmative.  Most realtors, financial planners, and mortgage brokers are simply unaware of this product.  It's actually quite simple -  the same reverse mortgage insured by FHA that we use for a refinance to tap home equity is used as a purchase finance solution.  

I am currently working with some of my financial planning partners and their clients to update this page and dig deep into the strategies we are using to supplement and enhance cash flow after retirement.  Stay tuned for new videos coming soon.
Feel free to contact me anytime to discuss your client's particular situation and we can work together to explore their options.

Look for upcoming videos featuring these other strategies, FOLLOW BY EMAIL to get updates sent to you -

Other Strategies to be examined:
Emergency Fund Strategy w/ no load RM
Traditional equity play Strategy
A vs. B in America
300k home, 65 year old, 45 year old son with family
Cash Flow Strategy
Liquid Credit Line Options
SSI Deferral Strategy 
Don’t touch your hard work strategy
Boat, car, major expense